Thursday 24 January 2013

INTRODUCTION: The game of football is one of the most fascinating games I have ever watched. We have twenty-two players on the field of play with twelve on each side contending with each other. A referee moves about in the field with a mission to ensure each player abides by the rules and ethics of the game. The importance of the referee cannot be overemphasized. He is the custodian of the rules and ethics of the game. A game without a referee is an invitation to chaos and anarchy on the field of play and therefore no game in the real sense of the word. I consider the above illustration a fitting description of the role lawyers and by extension the legal system play in the human society. There can be no society in the real sense of the word without them. The human society is a collection of distinct individuals from varied backgrounds, diverse orientation and idiosyncratic proclivities all with one common goal of earning a living. It is therefore practically impossible for frictions, dissentions and conflicts to remain oblivious as each individual pursues the attainment of its goals. Uncontrolled frictions and conflict will no doubt lead to chaos and anarchy. This is where the law comes in. Principles, rules, regulation and laws all come into existence for the sole purpose of ensuring a society devoid of chaos and anarchy. This body of laws are tailored to meet the needs of the human society and has as their sole and principal objective the regulation of human activity in such a way as to accommodate and ensure the peaceful co-existence of humans irrespective of their idiosyncratic and differing tendencies. However, laws irrespective of how elegantly and effectively crafted will remain useless if we do not have capable individuals to enforce the laws. This is where we talk about the law enforcement agents. Law enforcement agents can be likened to referees in a football match. There can be no sane, orderly and utopian society without them. Who are law enforcement agents? These are officers of government or figuratively speaking, tools by which the state ensures the effectiveness of its laws as it relates to its goal of achieving a sane and orderly society. They comprise lawyers, judges, police officers and prison officials. So, in the society in which you live, it may be asked: Are the laws promulgated really effective? If they are not, then it means something is intrinsically wrong with the legal system and by extension the law enforcement agencies. The Legal Pilot aims to take a holistic look at legal systems all over the world, highlighting their strong points and vulnerabilities. Attention will also be drawn to law enforcement agents and their roles in nation building. Special attention will be paid to the Nigerian Society. However, the focus will still be on legal systems as applicable to every other society in as much as they are human. Join us in this trip as we begin this journey into the legal world and please feel free to offer your suggestions and comments on areas we may improve in our service to the world community.

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